

IT Marketing and Policy

Sasang Constitution Analysis and Wine Recommendation App suggestion through Mobile Face Recognition



With the global COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism sector and all consumption have contracted with the untact era. Wine will also be sold and developed in various ways non-face-to-face in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to develop apps and web servers that focus on health in the era of single-person households and non-face-to-face. This study used facial recognition data based on photos of adult men and women in their 40s and 50s to analyze the Sasang constitution through a mobile app and web server, and suggested wine recommendations suitable for their constitution. First, the user's body information is entered. And through the facial recognition mobile app, recommend the right wine after analyzing the body type. if it's not like the first recommended wine, it is configured to receive another wine recommendation. In the future, the number of single-person households will increase further, and in the age of well-being, wine recommendations that fit my body will be useful. Wine recommendation suitable for Sasang constitution will be a useful mobile application to manage personal healt


1. Introduction
2. Previous literature
2.1 Sasang constitution and classification
2.2 Face recognition technology
2.3 Wine recommendation system
3. Implementation of proposal system and design
3-1 Face recognition implementation
3-2 Design implementation
4. Conclusion


  • Ki-hyuk Sung Ph.D., Department of Immersive Content Convergence, Kwangwoon University Seoul, Korea
  • Gi-hwan Ryu Professor, Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Institute of Tourism Industry, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea
  • Dai-yeol Yun Professor, Department of information and Communication Engineering, Institute of Information Technology, Kwangwoon University, Korea


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