

Notes on the Resumptive Effect and the Skipping Effect


Kiyang Kwon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, we will suggest a new analysis of the resumptive effect and the skipping effect under the MERGE-based system in Chomsky (2019a, 2019b) and Chomsky et al. (2019). First, the resumptive effect can be observed in the cancellation of the Adjunct Condition and the Complex NP island, when a resumptive pronoun appears in the Adjunct clause and the Complex NP clause. Following Goto and Ishii (2020), we will show that the Determinacy principle can account for the resumptive effect with a resumptive pronoun in the Adjunct clause and the Complex NP clause. Especially, we will propose that the resumptive effect with the Agent Focus and the adverb effect in Kaqchikel, a Mayan language of Guatemala be accounted for by the Determinacy principle. Second, the skipping effect can be observed in the cancellation of the Subject Condition and the that-trace effect, when an expletive or adverb appears in the Spec of T. We will also show that the Determinacy principle can explain the skipping effect with an expletive or adverb in the Subject Condition and the that-trace effect.


1. Introduction
2. Points of The MERGE-Based System
3. The Resumptive Effect and Determinacy
4. The Skipping Effect and Determinacy
5. Closing Remarks


  • Kiyang Kwon Youngsan University/Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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