The study is about the telicity interpretation of the collocation with the atelic adverbs and the telic verbs in the sentences. This study, using the data from the British National Corpus web in order to provide the empirical evidence, presents a more fine-grained analysis that examines the gradience of the influence of the tense, resultative particles, and the semantic properties of the noun phrase, such as definiteness and countability, in the interpretation of the sentence telicity. As a result, these factors meaningfully had a different impact on the interpretations of the sentences as atelic. The results are as follows: the atelic adverb has the highest impact on the telicity interpretations and then present tense and progressive, definiteness of the noun phrase, countability of the noun phrase and the presence of the resultative partcle in the order shown.
1. 서론
2. 종결성과 종결성 해석에 영향을 주는 요인들
2.1. 종결성
2.2. 종결성 판단에 영향을 주는 요인들
3. ‘비종결 부사+종결 동사’구조에서 종결성에 영향을 주는 요인들간 정도성 차이
3.1. 자료수집 및 연구방법
3.2. 비종결 부사 continually + 종결 동사
3.3. 비종결 부사 continuously + 종결 동사
3.4. 비종결 부사 consistently + 종결 동사
3.5. 비종결 부사 constantly + 종결 동사
4. 결론