

강세 음절과 비강세 음절의 음조와 음장의 실현 분석


Analysis of Realization of Pitch and Duration of Stressed and Unstressed Syllables.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Most English learners desire to have native-like English pronunciation, but is it necessary to have it? Intelligible English pronunciation is what we have to focus on in teaching and learning English and it requires some level of accuracy, which is suprasegmental aspect, especially, stress. English stress consists of three components: duration, pitch, and intensity. Duration and pitch will be dealt in this paper. Twenty four college students and four native speakers participated in the current experiment. Speech samples included eight words and twenty four sentences with the various stressed positions. Each sample appeared twice randomly on the monitor to be read. The Praat software program was used to analyze the recorded samples. The results are: 1) there was not a specific generalization in stress realization from two groups, 2) both of the groups used pitch more than duration on stressed syllables, and 3) native participants produced twice bigger ratio of stressed and unstressed syllables than Korean participants did


1. 연구목적 및 필요성
2. 선행연구
3. 실험
3.1. 실험 참여자
3.2. 실험 자료와 방법
4. 실험결과와 논의
4.1. 원어민 참여자들의 결과
4.2. 한국인 참여자들의 강세 실현 결과
4.3. 두 집단의 강세 실현 정확도 비교
4.4. 강세·비강세 음절 간의 음장과 음조 비율 분석
5. 결론과 제안


  • 이도경 Do Kyong Yi. 인제대학교/교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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