

[Zoom 2]

Implementation and Perceptions of Teacher and Peer Feedback in L2 Writing Instruction at a University



Both teacher feedback and peer feedback have been important pedagogical activities in second language writing classroom. This study is to examine L2 writers’ perceptions of the experience in both peer feedback and teacher feedback. For this study, 50 college students participated. Two survey questionnaires after peer and teacher feedback were used to compare and examine the students’ perceptions about both feedback process. Writing samples through peer and teacher feedback were collected to evaluate students’ revisions and improvements from both their first drafts marked by peer feedback and teacher feedback and their revised drafts. The results show that students were enjoyable for both peer and teacher feedback experience and they admitted to revise their first drafts as much as they can. Because of the lack and uncertainty in terms of vocabulary, grammar, structure, and expression ability in the process of peer feedback, students prefer receiving the teacher’s feedback. Therefore, the revision rate from the teacher’s feedback was higher.


  • Yuhwa Lee Keimyung University
  • Shinhye Kim Keimyung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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