

Eine Pastoraltheologische Studie für die Freiheit von der Unterdrückung - Konzentrierung auf die Unterdrückung von Frauen in Koreanischen Kirchengemeinscharft nicht als ‘Geschlechtskonflikt’, sondern als ‘Machtskonflikt’ -


Ko, You-Sik

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is the result of a pastoral theology study for the liberation of women who are discriminated against and oppressed in Korean Christianity and churches, which are characterized as patriarchal, and restore their human rights. Most of the previous studies on women's oppression and discrimination so far started with the basic premise of the frame of ‘male who oppress women’, that is, ‘male vs. female’ sex confrontation structure. However, in this thesis, i studied the problem of women's oppression and discrimination in the church, not with the structure of gender confrontation, but with the frame of ‘ruler vs. victim’. Although many efforts have been made for the liberation of women in Korean Christianity and churches from the past to the present, discrimination and oppression against women in them still persists. This, of course, may be due to the misapplication of the methodology or the lack of a will to emancipate women. However, the cause of this problem may have been misdiagnosed from the start. That's why it is worth wondering at least once that this problem is not being solved. I thought that it was necessary to try to approach the cause of this problem from various dimensions, moving away from the simple ‘fixed structure of men and women’ on women's oppression and discrimination. One of them is the structure of ‘ruler vs. victim.’ I hope this thesis contributes to solving the problem of oppression and discrimination against women in the Korean Christianity and in the church.


I. Einleitung
II. Das Verständnis von Frauen in Patriarchalischem Christentum und Kirche
1. Die Unterdrückung von Frauen in Patriarchalischem Christentum und der Kirche in Korea
2. ‘Weiblichkeit von Frauen’ als Funktion der Unterdrückung von Frauen in der Patriarchalischen Kirche
III. Die Unterdrückung und Diskriminierung von Frauen zur Befriedigung des Bedürfnisses nach Macht
1. Macht und Unterdrückung der Frauen: Angst vor Machtverlust
2. Die Männer als die Sympathisanten oder Umstehenden der Unterdrückung von Frauen
3. Die Befriedigung der Machtlust von Frauen in der Patriarchalischen Kirche
IV. Pastoral-theologische Wege zur Befreiung von Unterdrückung, worunter Frauen in der Patriarchalischen Kirche Leiden
1. Vorschläge zur Seelsorge für die Wahrnehmungsveränderung des Pastors als Machthaber
2. Pastoral-theologische Vorschläge zur Veränderung des Selbsterkenntnisses von Männer und Frauen als Opfer
V. Zum Schluß: Ein Bund zwischen den Unterdrückten (den Unterdrückenden Zusammen Widerstehen)


  • Ko, You-Sik Hoseo University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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