

薫と大君物語の方法 -表現から見た薫と大君の恋の形-


The Method of the Story of Kaoru and Oigimi - Form of Love between Kaoru and Oigimi as shown from the Expression of the story of Kaoru and Oigimi -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



「In the volumes ranging from “Hashihime” to “Akemaki”, the love story between Kaoru and Uji’s Oigimi is developed. In the love story between Kaoru and Uji’s women, the “Peeping” acts as one of the reasons for the development of the story. The “Peeping” acts not only as the friend of Buddhism with Hachinomiya leading Kaoru to Uji but also acts as the factor restricting the progress of love with Oigimi. In the volume “Shiigamoto”, the scene is depicted in the story, where Kaoru took a second ‘peeping’ of the Uji’s women after Hachinomiya passed away. The love story between Kaoru and Oigimi does not develop in the same way as the ‘old story’ though it adopted the typical idea of traditional love story. In the fall just 1 week prior to the first anniversary of the death of Hachinomiya, there was the mismatch in the relationship between Kaoru and Oigimi concerning the word ‘promise’ as shown in the exchange poems between Kaoru and Oigimi. The parallel relationship between Kaoru and Oigimi is symbolically expressed in the word ‘distance’. Though Oigimi had affection toward Kaoru, she thought that it was hard for her to get married to him. So, she tried to keep the relation with Kaoru by making her sister Nakanokimi to get married to Kaoru. In the life of Oigimi, when she was proposed for a marriage by a man, she showed the women’s attitude as expressed in Seihen, which is consistent with the method of her own way without taking any utilitarian or realistic attitude. The story is considered to have granted the topics of succeeding Murasakinoue shown in Section 2 to Oigimi.


1. はじめに
2. 総角巻以前
3. 総角巻の表現構造
4. 「平行四辺形的な構図」が描き出すもの
5. おわりに


  • 金兌映 김태영. 韓国外国語大学 日語日文学科 博士


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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