

遊女評判記の文化史的活用 -日本公娼制研究動向と関連して-


A study on Yujohyoban-ki try to utilize it in cultural history


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines Japanese Licensed prostitution the factors divided into two categories in early morden and modern Japan and as a new keyword for overcoming thehistorical limits and problems, tries to reconsidered Yujohyoban-ki. The purpose was to try to utilize it in cultural history. The Yujohyoban-ki is a practical book that inevitably appeared with the establishment of the Japan brothel system, and has survived with thesystem. The Yujohyoban-ki records the aspects of prostitution, which is the core of Japan’s prostitution system, in various forms, so far it wasn’t attracted much attention until now, even though it is a starting point for elucidating Japan’s Japanese Licensed prostitution system. It was nat determined that the cause was the fallacy of the history of literary research that set the ended of the Yujohyoban-ki in the middle of the 18th century. As a result of the research, first, it was confirmed that the Yujohyoban-ki was continuously written and published during the period when the Japanese brothel system was implemented. Secondly, from the original function and format of the Yujohyoban-ki, it was found that it was in reality show the reputation and the situation of the prostitute for the existing prostitute. Thirdly, we were able to confirm the customs and customs of the brothel provided by the prostitute reputation, and the appearance of the sex sales of transactions between the prostitute and the passenger from the price and the actual content. From the above, the record of the Yujohyoban-ki provides the basis for exploring the structure of the Japanes Licensed prostitution system and its management system, and the sexual culture that forms the core of the Japanese brothel system, and by extension, entertainment. It seems to have historical significance in research to elucidate culture in general.


1. はじめに
2. 遊女評判記の存続期間と作品群
3. 遊女評判記の文学史的位置づけ
4. 近世と近代で区切られた二つの公娼制
5. 近代公娼制の研究動向と諸問題
6. 近世公娼制の研究動向と諸問題
7. おわりに


  • 金珍暎 김진영. 韓国観光大学校 講師


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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