

川端康成の嘘と逆 -自己を語る文学-


Kawabata Yasunari’s <untruth and the paradox> - The literature that talks about oneself -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In order to clarify the problems of Kawabata-Yasunari literature’s , the writer looked at Kawabata’s relationship with I-Novel of Japan through his literary ideology and literary point of view, including Kawabata’s theory of untruth. During the shifting period from the Taishou Age to the Shouwa Age, where it was the replacement of the new and old literature ideas, Kawabata opined that it was important, above all things, to truly write the truth of the author in the novel. At that time, Kawabata took the new issue of “life and art” as his a major task as an artist, and was conscious of . In this trend, the interest in “new literary art” in “A new tendency explanation of a rising author”, which is seen as Kawabata’s “a neo-sensualist” statement, started from a point of “mentalism” and expressed its position of “a new sense” in Buddhist terms such as “Banbutsu-itchinyo” and Shukyaku-itchinyo“ The aspects of Kawabata’s special literary figure such as “observant spirit” and “religious character” were seen as common to pure literati with an artistic sense of the literary world at that time. In addition, the aim towards the unity of human and natural exchanges、the spirit of Musa and Muga、expressed in Kawabata’s lifetime works appears to be something in common with the religious character in “I-Novel of Japan”. At that time, within the literary circles, the process of making a “I-Novel of Japan” that condenses , which Kume-Masao made clear that , was initially applied to several works in the creation of Kawabata’s work for sure. However, in the case of Kawabata, as Kawabata’s own theory of untruth alludes, other than why he primarily had distrust towards the facts, because of the fact that “it is important for a writer to write the truth of life in a novel,” it is thought that he wrote his own “My I-Novel of Japan” in Kawabata’s own way by writing in a different way from typical historical novels.


1. はじめに
2. 先行論文と問題提起
3. 川端康成の「嘘と逆<自己を語る>」
4. 文壇と川端康成
5. 「私小説」と川端康成
5.1 「私小説」とは
5.2 川端と「私小説」
6. おわりに


  • 金美廷 김미정. 東国大学 日語日文学科 博士過程


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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