

韓国ドラマの字幕と吹替の比較分析 -親族名称を中心に-


Comparative Analysis of Subtitling and Dubbing Translations of the Korean Drama - Focusing on the use of Kinship Terms -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article analyzes how kinship terms for brothers and sisters used for non-relatives are translated in the subtitling and dubbing translations of the Korean drama “My Love from the Star”, based on foreignization and domestication strategies criterioned by Venuti. The analysis showed that the foreignization and domestication strategies were applied in 24.8% and 75.2% of subtitling, respectively. In dubbing, the ratios were 33.4% and 66.6%, respectively. With regard to the impact of an increased understanding of Korean culture among Japanese audiences on selection of the translation strategies, the numeric figures exemplify the dominance of the domestication strategies. However, in dialogues between individual characters, the tendency to use the foreignization strategies of terms that show intimacy that a speaker feels toward a listener. This suggests that, behind the use the foreignization strategies for such terms, there is the DVD producer’s assumption that using of Korean kinship terms for brothers and sisters in referring to non-relatives will be understood by Japanese audiences in consideration of the increased understanding of Korean culture since the onset of the Korean boom. As for differences in the use of translation strategies between subtitling and dubbing, the analysis found that foreignization strategies are more frequently seen in dubbing than in subtitling, presumably because of the influence of norms for audiovisual translation. While there is a restriction on text lengths in subtitling, much less omission of what is spoken is required for dubbing than for subtitling. This is assumed to be one reason for adopting the foreignization strategies while considering correlations of dialogues.


1. 序論
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究課題及び研究方法
1.3 分析対象テクスト
2. 理論的背景
2.1 視聴覚翻訳
2.1.1 字幕翻訳
2.1.2 吹替翻訳
2.2 同化、異化翻訳方略
2.3 親族名称の虚構的用法
2.4 先行研究
3. 翻訳事例分析基準
4. 翻訳事例比較分析
5. 結論


  • 伊藤澄子 Ito, Sumiko. 韓国外国語大学 KFL大学院 外国語としての韓国語翻訳学科, 翻訳論


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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