

Query Processing based Branch Node Stream for XML Message Broker




XML message brokers have a lot of importance because XML has become a practical standard for data exchange in many applications. Message brokers covered in this document store many users. This paper is a study of the processing of twig pattern queries in XML documents using branching node streams in XML message broker structures. This work is about query processing in XML documents, especially for query processing with XML twig patterns in the XML message broker structure and proposed a method to reduce query processing time when parsing documents with XML twig patterns by processing information. In this paper, the twig pattern query processing method of documents using the branching node stream removes the twigging value of the branch node that does not include the labeling value of the branch node stream when it receives a twig query from the client. In this paper, the leaf node discovery time can be reduced by reducing the navigation time of nodes in XML documents that are matched to leaf nodes in twig queries for client twig queries. Overall, the overall processing time to respond to queries is reduced, allowing for rapid questionanswer processing.


1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Branch Node Stream for Twig Pattern Query Processing
3.1 Twig query processor
4. Experimental Results
5. Conclusion


  • Hye-Kyeong Ko Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Sungkyul University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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