

Proposed ICT-based New Normal Smart Care System Model to Close Health Gap for Older the Elderly



At the time of entering the super-aged society, the health problem of the elderly is becoming more prominent due to the rapid digital era caused by COVID-19, but the gap between welfare budgets and welfare benefits according to regional characteristics is still not narrowed and there is a significant difference in emergency medical access. In response, this study proposes an ICT-based New Normal Smart Care System (NNSCS) to bridge the gap I n health and medical problems. This is an integrated system model that links the elderly themselves to health care, self-diagnosis, disease prediction and prevention, and emergency medical services. The purpose is to apply location-based technology and motion recognition technology under smartphones and smartwatches (wearable) environments to detect health care and risks, predict and diagnose diseases using health and medical big data, and minimize treatment latency. Through the New Normal Smart Care System (NNSCS), which links health care, prevention, and rapid emergency treatment with easy and simple access to health care for the elderly, it aims to minimize health gaps and solve health problems for the elderly.


1. Introduction
2. Technology Trends in Smart Care
2.1 Definition and Scope of Technology
2.2 Technology and Industry Trends
3. Related Technology Research
3.1 Location-Based Services (LBS) related technologies LBS
3.2. IMU (Inertial Measurement Sensor)
4. NNSCS Model Study
4.1. NNSCS(New Normal Smart Care System)
4.2 Structural Model of the NNSCS
5. Conclusion


  • Chae-Hyun YOO Doctor Candidate, Department of IT Convergence, Hansei University, Korea
  • Seung-Jung SHIN Professor, Department of ICT, Hansei University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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