


선박 극저온 탱크용 9% 니켈강 소재 FCAW 맞대기 용접 연구 PART I : 용접부 신뢰성 연구


A Study on FCAW Butt Welds of 9% Nickel Steel Materials for Vessel Cryogenic Tank Part I : Reliability Study of Welding Bead


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Because of the International Maritime Organization(IMO)'s regulation to regulate emissions of ships, a change is taking place to replace ship fuels from Heavy Fule Oil(HFO) to Liquefied Natural Gas(LNG). In the case of LNG, it is a material obtained by liquefying Natural Gas(NG), and it is -163 degrees below zero, and the volume is reduced to 1/600 level. The material of the tank that can store LNG must be a material that can safely store LNG in a cryogenic environment, and the materials of the tank that can store LNG are limited in the International Code of the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk(IGC Code). Among the materials listed in the IGC Code, 9% nickel steel is used as a material for LNG fuel propulsion tanks that are recently ordered because of relatively high mechanical properties under cryogenic environments. In this study, butt welding was performed on a 9% nickel steel material using Flux Cored Arc Welding(FCAW), the most widely used welding method in shipyards. In PARTI, after securing the welding conditions, cross-sectional observation results analysis, liquid penetrating test, and radiographic test were performed to verify the reliability of the weld.


1. 서론
2. 9% 니켈강 FCAW 맞대기 용접 실험
3. 맞대기 용접 실험 결과 분석
4. 결론
5. 시사


  • 김재웅 Jae-Woong Kim. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Researcher


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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