

특집 – 동북아시아 속 다문화 공간의 역사와 이동



Retrospect and prospect of the research achievements about the Oroqen in Northeast Asia Countries

동북아시아 여러 나라의 어룬춘족 연구 성과 회고와 전망


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Oroqen is one of the less populated ethnic groups living in Northeast Asia, mainly distributed in northeastern China and Siberia in Russia. Since this ethnic group only has a spoken language and does not have its own written language, the records of this ethnic group are only presented in Chinese, Manchu, Russian and other languages, and can be recorded as simple as the Yuan Dynasty. Since modern times, many researches on the Oroqen in Northeast Asia have become more and more in-depth, and many Oroqen researchers such as Shirokogorov and others have emerged from history, ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, biology, etc. From the perspective of investigation and research. It is precisely based on such historical and geographical factors that the research on the Oroqen in the world today is mainly concentrated in Northeast Asian countries such as Japan, Russia, South Korea, and China. Therefore, to study the Oroqen , one must pay attention to the relevant research results of the Northeast Asian countries. With the help of my own language advantage, the author collects and reads relevant research results of various countries.Around the key words of “Oroqen” “Evenki”.etc to do the information collection and collation for analysis. Based on country classification, starting from Japan, Russia, South Korea, China and other four countries, the author sorts out and summarizes the research results of the Oroqen in the academic circles of various countries, and reviews the history The research situation of the Oroqen since then, and a brief prospect of the future research direction of the Oroqen, and try to provide help and thinking for the Oroqen research of future during the world around.


Ⅰ. 序论
Ⅱ. 俄罗斯、日本、韩国的鄂伦春族研究现状
1. 俄罗斯的鄂伦春族研究
2. 日本的鄂伦春族研究
3. 韩国的鄂伦春族研究
Ⅲ. 中国的鄂伦春族研究现状
1. 有关民族历史文化的描述性成果
2. 民族志形式资料的整理及调查报告
3. 关于鄂伦春族社会文化变迁的讨论
4. 其他方面
Ⅳ. 结论:回顾与展望


  • 倪卓 예탁. 延边大学 人文社会科学学院 社会学系 讲师


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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