

약국 한약사의 영양요법 활용방안 : 건강기능식품의 기능성원료를 중심으로


A Study on Utilization Plan of Nutrition Therapy for Community Korean Pharmacists : Focused on Functional Raw Materials of Health Functional Foods

하동훈, 김명수, 강보혜, 송은미, 신진욱, 이정후, 최혜빈

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background : Research has been actively conducted on methods that can apply co mplementary medicine to various fields, but few studies have been conducted on how Korean Pharmacists working in pharmacies can use complementary medicine. Therefore, it is a meaningful study to provide a way for Korean Pharmacists to use complementary medicine to perform clinical pharmacy more effectively in pharmacies b y looking at the profession of Korean Pharmacists and analyzing various therapies of complementary medicine. In addition, these attempts will not only expand the capabilities of Korean Pharmacists, but will also help to develop methods that can utilize the knowledge and treatments of complementary medicine in the healthc are field. Methods : In this study, we will analyze in detail the role that Korean Pharmaci sts play in pharmacies, and focus on nutritional therapy among complementary me dicines that herbal pharmacists can use in pharmacies. Results : In this paper, among various raw materials for health functional foods, w e have summarized the functional raw materials made from natural products, and in p articular, we have dealt with only the notification-type raw materials listed in the revo lution of the Health Functional Food Code. Since it has been selected and summarize d mainly on items that have been verified for various types of functionality, it is expected to be a material that can sufficiently secure the clinical value of use in p harmacies. Conclusion : If Korean Pharmacists develops knowledge of complementary medic ine including nutrition therapy and engages in pharmacist work, it is expected that it will be possible to provide active advice so that patients can engage in more int egrated healthcare, not just explanations for selecting medicines in the process of consultation with the patient.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 한약사의 업무
Ⅲ. 영양요법
1. 인삼
2. 홍삼
3. 알로에 전잎
4. 프로폴리스 추출물
5. 코엔자임Q10
6. 구아바잎 추출물
7. 은행잎 추출물
8. 밀크씨슬(카르두스 마리아누스) 추출물
9. EPA 및 DHA 함유 유지
10. 감마리놀렌산 함유 유지
11. 옥타코사놀 함유 유지
12. 매실 추출물
13. 가르시니아캄보지아 추출물
14. 마리골드꽃 추출물
15. 쏘팔메토열매 추출물
16. 포스파티딜세린
17. N-아세틸글루코사민
18. 알로에 겔
19. 프로바이오틱스
20. 폴리감마글루탐산
21. 빌베리 추출물
22. 마늘
23. 회화나무열매 추출물
Ⅵ. 결론


  • 하동훈 Ha, DongHun. 한국한약연구원
  • 김명수 Kim, MyungSoo. 한국한약연구원
  • 강보혜 Kang, BoHye. D&B BIO
  • 송은미 Song, EunMi. 한국한약연구원
  • 신진욱 Shin, JinWook. 중앙보훈병원
  • 이정후 Lee, JeongHu. 명인한방병원
  • 최혜빈 Choi, HyeBeen. 성균관대학교 대학원 약학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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