


미국 중개보수 분할의 국내 시사점 연구


A Study on the Domestic Implications of the Commission Split in the US Brokerage


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Korea, brokerage firms have been managing the traditional brokerage commission split model, but the United States has been seeking continuous development of brokerage firms by developing various brokerage commission models for the survival and expansion of brokers. Keller Williams and eXp Realty introduced cloud brokerage to reduce fixed costs, to reduce broker acquisition costs, and incentives to strengthen broker belonging. In particular, there are many implications of the eXp Realty revenue sharing model, which has little initial franchise cost, and is a cloud-based real estate brokerage program that divides profits with expert support without fees for desks and tasks. It encourages start-ups and intermediaries with unique models that give incentives to real estate agents and brokers. It also develops models of three ways in which real estate agents and intermediaries generate revenue, providing real estate sales, revenue sharing and shareholder revenue. It offers a revenue-sharing program that allows real estate agents and brokers to receive both revenue and common stock incentives. In addition, real estate brokers and agents build their own businesses by owning direct equity as shareholders and business partners. In particular, it has revolutionized the existing real estate brokerage model by providing an opportunity for compensation for common stock. Cloud-based brokerage operated by brokers provides maximum value to real estate agents and brokers while building a global brand. The management method of these real estate brokerage firms has many implications for domestic brokerage firms.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
1. 이론적 검토
2. 선행연구 검토
Ⅲ. 중개법인 중개보수 현황과 문제점
1. 부동산 중개 서비스의 현황
2. 국내 부동산프랜차이즈의 위기
3. 부동산 4차 산업과 부동산 중개
4. 중개보수의 쟁점
Ⅳ. 중개보수 모델 분석
1. 중개법인의 중개보수
2. 프랜차이즈 중개보수 분할모델
3. 중개보수 이익공유 모델
4. 중개보수 수익공유 모델
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 박인 Park, In. 숭실사이버대학교 교수, 도시및지역계획학 박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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