

태백산산신 옥도검(玉刀鈐)과 삼척 오금잠제(烏金簪祭)


The Taebaek Mountain God, Okdogeum(玉刀鈐), and the Ogeumjam Festival(烏金簪祭)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Taebaek Mountain was one of the northern sites of the second-tier ritual of the five mountain gods celebrated in the national ritual of Silla period. The mountain god in question was the god of the northern peak, Okdogeum(玉刀鈐); originally, however, this god was the god of Guemgang ridge(金剛嶺), one of five mountain gods centered on the capital of Silla. As the national festival was reorganized and extended with the aim of expanding the nation's territory after the unification of the three kingdoms of Silla, the location of northern mountain god was moved to Taebaek Mountain. With the restructuring of the national festival centered on Gaegyeong(開京) during the Goryeo dynasty, the site of the ritual calling the Taebaek mountain gods was moved to Samcheok County in East boundary(東界) Goryeo. Here, the Taebaek mountain god was newly deified as the Oguemjam god of Princess Silla(新羅公主烏金簪神), where it was worshipped at the Taebaek Cheonwangdang ancestral shrine(太白天王堂). Within the framework of the Goryeo national festival, the Taebaek mountain god was bestowed with the expanded title of Mountain God. This festival was carried out by a priestly official(祭告使) during the early part of Goryeo and by a warehouse management official(監倉使) during the middle and late periods. During special circumstances during these later periods, however, the a priestly official was still dispatched. From the Goryeo period, Taebaek Mountain served as the center of the festivals of the Taebaek mountain God festival. During the Joseon dynasty, Taebaek Mountain was omitted from the national festivals, but every year during the spring and fall, both the officials and ordinary citizens would hold a three-day folk ritual on the mountain at the local ancestral shrine using raw meat with blood as offerings. This ritual also involved the practice of dedication of items during a ritual, during which a cow was tied to the shrine and sacrificed in hopes of pleasing the deity. This brought out the conflict between Buddhism and Confucianism, and the ritual was, at times, abolished, but it was always reinstated. The Taebaek mountain god, Ogeumjam god(烏金簪神), was called during the Ogeumjam festival(烏金簪祭), part of the broader Samcheok Dano Festival. Starting every year on the first day of April and beginning with the purification ritual, the welcoming god ritual and sending god ritual were carried out for the entire month. The sending god ritual in particular was hosted by the village chief three days before the Dano holiday, and involved all officials and ordinary citizens participating in the village exorcism ritual(대동굿). The shaman and other performers of the exorcism worshipped the Ogeumjam god. The performance of the festival throughout the administrative region was called the Dano Commissioner(端午使). The officials and citizens faced the crisis of the abolishment of the Ogeumjam festival through the performance of different rituals such as the ritual involving the extinguishing of fire performed various times by Confucian officials. An adversarial relationship thus existed between these people trying to preserve the rituals and the Confucian officials seeking to ban them out of their sense of Neoconfucian ideals. The origin of the newly designated Taebaek mountain god, Ogeumjam god, as the god of the Ogeumjam festival, lay in its status as the northen mountain god, one of five gods celebrated in a second-tier national ritual of Silla. One could confirm this deity's transformation from Okdogeum from Guemgang ridge on the northern mountain centered in the capital to Ogeumjam of Taebaek mountain worshipped in the second-tier festival of Silla and then to Ogeumjam god of Princess Silla. Likewise, the origins of the festivals of the Taebaek mountain god and the Ogeumjam festival can be dated to the Silla northern mountain god.


태백산은 신라의 국가제사에서 중사의 오악 중 하나인 북악이었다. 그 산신은 북 악신(北岳神) 옥도검(玉刀鈐)이었는데, 원래 옥도검은 신라 왕경 중심의 오악 중 북악 인 금강령(金剛嶺)의 산신이었다. 그런데 신라의 삼국 통일 후 확장된 영역을 대상으 로 국가제사가 확대 재편되면서 북악신은 태백산으로 옮겨간 것으로 추정된다. 고려시대에는 개경을 중심으로 국가제사체계가 재편되면서 태백산산신을 모시 는 제장은 고려의 동계 삼척현으로 옮겨졌다. 이곳에서 태백산산신은 신라공주 오 금잠신(烏金簪神)으로 전하며 태백천왕당에 모셔졌다. 태백산산신은 고려 국가제사 체계에서 산천신으로 가호되었고, 고려 초기에는 제고사, 중·후기에는 감창사가 그 제사를 설행했다. 하지만 특별한 경우에는 제고사가 파견되었다. 태백산을 중심 으로 하는 태백산산신제와 삼척 단오제는 고려시대부터 설행되고 있었다. 조선시대에 태백산은 국가제사에서 탈락되었지만, 이민들은 매년 봄가을로 태백산신당에 서 3일 치제의 산신제를 설행했는데, 제수로 혈육이 사용되었다. 또 폐백으로 바쳐 진 소를 신당에 묶어두고 태백산산신의 흠양을 바라는 퇴우(退牛) 습속이 성행했다. 불교와 유교와의 갈등을 보여 훼철과 복설이 반복되었다. 태백산산신인 오금잠신은 삼척 단오제인 오금잠제(烏金簪祭)에 모셔졌다. 성황 당에서 매년 4월 초하루 재계를 시작으로 영신제(迎神祭), 송신제(送神祭)까지 한 달 간 설행되었다. 특히 송신제는 단오 3일 전부터 호장이 주관하고 이민이 함께하는 대동굿[大祀]으로 치러졌는데, 무당과 광대가 오금잠신을 모시고 온 고을을 두루 돌 아다니는 것을 단오사(端午使)라고 했다. 역시 성리학적 이념에서 폐지하려는 유교 관료들의 몇 차례에 걸친 분훼 등으로 오금잠제가 폐지될 위기에 처하기도 하여 이 를 지속하려는 이민과 길항 관계에 있었다. 태백산산신이자 오금잠제의 신격인 오금잠신의 유래는 신라 국가제사에서 중사 의 오악 중에 하나인 북악신 옥도검에 있었다. 왕경 중심의 오악 중 북악인 금강령 옥도검→신라 중사의 북악인 태백산 옥도검→신라공주 오금잠신으로의 변화를 확인할 수 있었다. 태백산산신제와 삼척 단오제의 오금잠신은 신라의 북악신 옥도 검으로 그 연원을 소급할 수 있다.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 신라 북악신(北岳神) 옥도검(玉刀鈐)과 태백산산신
Ⅲ. 고려의 산천제와 태백산
Ⅳ. 태백산산신제와 오금잠제(烏金簪祭)
1. 태백산산신제와 퇴우(退牛)
2. 삼척 단오제로서 오금잠제(烏金簪祭)
Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김성환 경기도박물관.


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