

Effect of Input Data Video Interval and Input Data Image Similarity on Learning Accuracy in 3D-CNN



3D-CNN is one of the deep learning techniques for learning time series data. However, these three-dimen-sional learning can generate many parameters, requiring high performance or having a significant impact on learning speed. We will use these 3D-CNNs to learn hand gesture and find the parameters that showed the highest accuracy, and then analyze how the accuracy of 3D-CNN varies through input data changes without any structural changes in 3D-CNN. First, choose the interval of the input data. This adjusts the ratio of the stop interval to the gesture interval. Secondly, the corresponding interframe mean value is obtained by meas-uring and normalizing the similarity of images through interclass 2D cross correlation analysis. This experi-ment demonstrates that changes in input data affect learning accuracy without structural changes in 3D-CNN. In this paper, we proposed two methods for changing input data. Experimental results show that input data can affect the accuracy of the model.


1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Train Hand Gesture With 3D-CNN
3.1 3D-CNN Architecture
3.2 Data Set
3.3. Train Hand Gesture
4. Methods for selecting input data.
4.1. Through Frame Intervals
4.2. Through 2D Cross Correlation Between Input Data
5. Result
6. Conclusion


  • Heeil Kim Master Course, Department of Computer Engineering, Wonkwang University, Korea
  • Yeongjee Chung Professor, Department of Computer and Software Engineering, Wonkwang University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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