

Effects of Informatization Mind on Information Development Efforts and Academic Achievement of University Students Major in Sports



The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of informatization minds of college students majoring in sports on information development efforts and academic achievement. Accordingly, a survey was conducted on 200 college students majoring in physical education at D University, and 197 students were selected as the final effective samples. Data processing was conducted using SPSS 23 for frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The results are as follows: First, recognition of the necessity of informatization education, a subfactor of the informatization mind, has a positive impact on informatino development efforts. Second, recognition of the necessity of informatization education, understanding and utilization of informatization concepts among sub-factors of informatization minds have a positive impact on the major learning achievement. Third, all the conversational factors in the informatization mind have a positive impact on study problem resolution. Fourth, information development efforts have a positive impact on the major learning achievement and the study problem resolution. Therefore, efforts are needed to increase the information mindset of college students major in sports.


1. Introduction
2. Research Method
2.1 Research Subjects
2.2 Research Tools & Reliability Analysis
2.3 Data Processing Method
3. Results
3.1 Correlation Analysis
3.2 Hypothesis Verification Results
4. Conclusion


  • Seyun Kim Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Dankook University, Korea


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