

On the Improvement of the Process by Analyzing Precision Diagnosis of Deteriorated Railroad Communication Facilities



Railroad Systems, which are national infrastructure industries, cause unexpected property and human damage if they fail to function while operating. Accordingly, railroad facilities supporting the railroad system are areas where high reliability and safety are required. However, it is time for systematic and scientific maintenance to be taken away from the traditional maintenance methods, as the nation's railroad facilities are now aging seriously. The purpose of this study was to secure the safety and reliability of the aging railroad communication facilities and to improve their performance. The research subjects were selected as a precision diagnosis process for railroad communication facilities, and improvement points were derived through detailed precision diagnosis process analysis. It is deemed that this study can contribute based on securing stability, improving reliability, and continuous improvement of railroad communication facilities should be conducted in the operation of the entire railroad system.


1. Introduction
1.1. Background and Necessity of Research
1.2. Analysis of prior researches
1.3. Current status of deterioration of railroad facilities
1.4. Composition and flow of thesis
2. Analysis of precision diagnosis for communication facilities
2.1. Introduction of precision diagnosis
2.2. Module diagnosis
2.3. NMS/EMS diagnosis
2.4. BER measurement
3. Presentation of improvement points through precision diagnosis analysis results
3.1. Presentation of improvement points for module inspection precision diagnosis
3.2. Presentation of improvement points for NMS/EMS precision diagnosis
3.3. Present improvement points of BER measurement
4. Conclusion


  • Sun Woo Hwang Northern Railroad Research Division, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea
  • Joo Uk Kim Northern Railroad Research Division, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea
  • Jeong Jun Park Northern Railroad Research Division, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea
  • Hyung Chul Kim Smart Electrical & Signaling Division, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea
  • Jin Hyuk Park Smart Electrical & Signaling Division, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea
  • Young Min Kim Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University, Korea
  • Gye Chool Lee Engineering Division, Saytel Communication Co., Ltd. , Korea


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