

Inconsistency of Online Self-presentation across SNS Platforms and Its Impact on Impression Formation



The goal of this study was to explore the use of multiple SNS platforms and determine whether the number of used platforms affects one’s online self-presentations across the said platforms and if there is any difference in one’s online and offline self-presentations based on how many SNS platforms are used. This work studied online self-presentations, compared the on/offline ones and tried to find out if the inconsistencies of one’s own (observer’s) self-presentations both online (across platforms) and on/offline affected the observer’s impression formation (likability, trustworthiness and hypocrisy) of others. The study also aimed to find out if the impression of the others’ inconsistency both online and offline would differ based on the level of intimacy between the observer and the discussant. Three levels of intimacy were studied in order to do this: friends, acquaintances and strangers (online-only friends). The results showed that the more platforms people used the more inconsistent their online self-presentations got. Even though the results of the study showed barely significant relationship between the number of SNS accounts and one’s online and offline self-presentation, and partial connection between observer’s inconsistent self-presentations and impression formation of others, interestingly enough, the results managed to find significant differences between the impressions based on the level of intimacy between the observer and the discussants.


1. Introduction
2. Research questions and hypotheses
3. Research method
4. Results
5. Conclusion


  • Olga Vyshemirskaya M.A., Graduate School of Communication, Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea
  • Eunkyung Na Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea


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