

Development of Teaching Methods to Improve Mathematical Capabilities for Electronics Engineering



The importance of mathematics is emerging to create new values and secure competitiveness in an intelligent information society based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This study was conducted with the aim of improving the academic performance and increasing interest of electronics majors in mathematics subjects. In order to develop learners' mathematical capabilities in major fields that utilize mathematics that electronics majors do not prefer, we have proposed a new teaching method to promote employment in mathematics-based electronics fields. In addition, to enhance learners’ self-directed learning, we developed teaching methods for efficient mathematics subjects with programming languages as tools in electronics engineering and applied them to real-world teaching sites to effectively cultivate academic performance improvement of majors. Finally, we conducted a survey and statistically analyze the effectiveness of the developed teaching methods to present effective operational measures for mathematics education, an essential tool in intelligent information technology.


1. Introduction
2. Status of Mathematics Education and Suggestions for Improvement
2.1 Mathematics Education Status
2.2 Satisfaction in Mathematics Education
3. Development of Mathematics Teaching Methods in Electronics Curriculum
3.1 Contents of Teaching Methods Applied Computer Programming Language to Mathematics Subjects.
3.2 Research on Computer Programming Teaching Method
5. Conclusions


  • Seung-Woo LEE Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Seokyeong University, Korea
  • Sangwon LEE Professor, Department of Computer & Software Engineering, Wonkwang University, Korea


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