

Current Status and Improvement Plan of Programming Education for Electronics Engineering



In the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the foundation of software and hardware technologies through ICT, the technology to analyze the principles of information processing activities is the ability to implement programming. In this study, to improve the programming academic performance of electronics majors, firstly, we presented an effective teaching method in order to promote employment in the programming field by improving problem-solving skills and logical thinking skills in the programming field that electronics majors do not prefer. Secondly, we plan to promote intelligence informatization by converging intelligence information technology into the existing electronics industry by developing software utilization skills through programming curriculum that reflects the specificity and reality of electronics. Lastly, as computer programmers, we would like to expand creative talent education by developing learners' capabilities to cultivate smart talents who have both hardware and software capabilities.


1. Introduction
2. Examining the Status and Perceptions of Programming Education
2.1 Programming Training Status
2.2 Satisfaction with Programming Training
3. Programming Improvement Plan for Electronics Engineering
3.1 Computer Programming Teaching Content
3.2 Research on Computer Programming Teaching Content
5. Conclusions


  • Seung-Woo LEE Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Seokyeong University, Korea
  • Sangwon LEE Professor, Department of Computer & Software Engineering, Wonkwang University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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