

Zero-knowledge proof algorithm for Data Privacy



As pass the three revised bills, the Personal Information Protection Act was revised to have a larger application for personal information. For an industrial development through an efficient and secure usage of personal information, there is a need to revise the existing anonymity processing method. This paper modifies the Zero Knowledge Proofs algorithm among the anonymity processing methods to modify the anonymity process calculations by taking into account the reliability of the used service company. More detail, the formula of ZKP (Zero Knowledge Proof) used by ZK-SNAKE is used to modify the personal information for pseudonymization processing. The core function of the proposed algorithm is the addition of user variables and adjustment of the difficulty level according to the reliability of the data user organization and the scope of use. Through Setup_p, the additional variable γ can be selectively applied according to the reliability of the user institution, and the degree of agreement of Witness is adjusted according to the reliability of the institution entered through Prove_p. The difficulty of the verification process is adjusted by considering the reliability of the institution entered through Verify_p. SimProve, a simulator, also refers to the scope of use and the reliability of the input authority. With this suggestion, it is possible to increase reliability and security of anonymity processing and distribution of personal information.


1. Introduction
2. Related work
2.1 Data Pseudonymization Method
2.2 zk-SNARK
3. zk-SNARK-based Personal Information Pseudonimization Algorithm
3.1 Comparison of Data Encryption Methods
3.2 Modified Algorithm of zk-SNARK
3.3 Performance evaluation
4. Discussion


  • Youn-A Min Professor, Applied Software Engineering, Hanyang Cyber University, Korea


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