

Near-BER lossless Asymmetric 2PAM non-SIC NOMA with Low-Complexity and Low-Latency under User-Fairness



As the number of mobile devices has been increasing tremendously, system capacity should be enlarged in future next generation communication, such as the fifth-generation (5G) and beyond 5G (B5G) mobile networks. For such future networks, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been considered as promising multiple access technology. In this paper, to reduce both latency and complexity in existing NOMA, we propose non-successive interference cancellation (SIC) NOMA with asymmetric binary pulse amplitude modulation (2PAM), nearly without bit-error rate (BER) loss. First, we derive the closed form of BER expressions for non-SIC NOMA with asymmetric 2PAM, especially under Rayleigh fading channels. Then, it is shown that the BER performance of the stronger channel user who is supposed to perform SIC in conventional NOMA can be nearly achieved by the proposed non-SIC NOMA with asymmetric 2PAM, especially without SIC. Furthermore, we also show that the BER performance of the weaker channel user in conventional NOMA can be more closely achieved by the proposed non-SIC NOMA with asymmetric 2PAM. These BERs are shown to be achieved over the part of the power allocation range, which is consistent with the NOMA principle of user fairness. As a result, the non-SIC NOMA scheme with asymmetric 2PAM could be considered as a promising NOMA scheme toward next generation communication.


1. Introduction
2. System and Channel Model
3. Review of Related Previous Works
4. Derivations of BERs for Asymmetric 2PAM non-SIC NOMA
4. Numerical Results and Discussions
5. Conclusion


  • Kyuhyuk Chung Professor, Department of Software Science, Dankook University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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