

Contents Analysis of Physical Education of Special School Curriculum in the Perspective of Transition Education for Adolescents with Disabilities


HongYoung, Jang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background/Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze the trends and factors of physical educational elements, Korean career·occupational curriculum and physical education, and analyze the physical education curriculums of special schools from the perspective of vertical·horizontal transition education. Methods/Statistical analysis: As for the research methodology, this study collected data by conducting a comprehensive search methodology by connecting keywords by title and theme for transition education and special school physical education curriculum research projects and literatures. For the basic education curriculum programs currently used in special schools and basic national physical education curriculums, connectivity analysis was conducted based on an analytical model founded on a perspective of vertical·horizontal transition education as proposed by Patton and Dunn. Findings: The results of analysis conducted for the basic education curriculum programs currently used in special schools and basic national physical education curriculums through such a procedure showed that in terms of the characteristic of basic education curriculum programs in special schools, vertical·horizontal transition education perspective were shown in the connectivity of fundamental conversion, by domain, by grade, and until after primary school years. As for goals, in overall goals (aims), possibilities for continued participation through systematic structuralization of physical activities; in sub-level goals, emphasize and connect all stages of physical activities to include vertical conversion perspectives. Yet such did not display contents pertaining to horizontal perspectives of transition education. As for contents, by dividing contents of physical education curriculum in stages, elements of a vertical·horizontal transition education perspective were shown to be included in terms of connectivity by level, grade, and domain which would allow a devotion to contents of physical education curriculum post primary school years as forms of leisure were shown to be included


A. Literature Research
B. Analysis Process
C. Analysis Model
A. Basic PE Curriculum from Perspective of Horizontal and Vertical Transition Education
B. National Common Basic PE Curriculum from Perspective of Horizontal and Vertical Transition Education
C. Connectivity between Transition Education and PE Curriculum of Special Schools


  • HongYoung, Jang Jeonju University, Dept. of Medical Sciences, Convergence Research Center for Medical Sciences


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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