

Design and Implementation of Secure Cloud Storage System Based on Elliptic Encryption


Jing Yan, Zhi-heng Lin, Yong-zhen Li

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background/Objectives: With the rapid development of Internet technology, more and more Internet users tend to store their data and information in the cloud, and the security of the existing cloud storage system has been criticized by people, which is not conducive to protecting the data and information security of users. Therefore, how to effectively guarantee the security of cloud user data becomes more and more important. Security cloud storage system is the key to solve this problem. Methods/Statistical analysis: A secure cloud storage system is implemented for the user’s cloud data security. Its main function is: in the user login phase, the strict user identity authentication method is adopted to control the user’s access rights and prevent illegal users from logging in. Firstly, the identify authentication scheme based on zero knowledge proof is proposed. Secondly, in the user data upload stage, the user data is split. Finally, the encryption algorithm based on elliptic curve is proposed to encrypt the user’s file splitting table. Findings: The experimental results show that, in the user identify authentication stage, compared with the traditional user authentication method, the security of user identify authentication can be greatly improved by using the identify authentication method based on zero-knowledge proof. Improvements/Applications: The secure cloud storage system based on ellipse encryption developed in this thesis can realize the security of user's data by encryption while considering the efficiency of data upload and download, and has a broad application prospect.


A. User identify Authentication
B. User data folding and consolidation


  • Jing Yan Student, Dept. Computer Science and Technology, Yanbian University, Yanji, 133002, China
  • Zhi-heng Lin Student, Dept. Computer Science and Technology, Yanbian University, Yanji, 133002, China
  • Yong-zhen Li Professor, Dept. Computer Science and Technology, Yanbian University, Yanji, 133002, China


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