

Raining State Study using Gaussian Mixture Model


Jeongwon Lee, Choong Ho Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background/Objectives: In this study, we intend to extract a characteristic study of the raining situation based on the GMM (Gaussian mix model) within the raining image and perform the raining phenomenon in real time. Methods/Statistical analysis: Since the Gaussian Mixture Model is a good model for expressing natural phenomena, the Gaussian Mixture Model was used in many fields. In this study, an OpenCV library provided by a Python program was used to analyze rain video using CV2 library. Findings: A test video image object was created, and the frame size was set to create a gray scale image and an image for accumulating color frames. A video frame was acquired, and an average image was calculated using the accumulated images for color image frames and gray scale images, and displayed in a window. An error rate occurs during the initial image analysis, but the accuracy increases over time. By analyzing the raining image, the motion of the rain was detected using the findObjectAndDraw() function to remove the noise. In the image of the detected rain, it was marked with a red bounding rectangle to confirm the rain. Improvements/Application s: In this study, a Gaussian mixture model was used, but the K-NN model was applied to make a more accurate analysis through comparison between various models.


A. GMM(Gaussian mixture model)
B. Mixed model background
A. Analysis Method
B. Analysis Tools
C. Analysis Library
D. Analysis Result


  • Jeongwon Lee Student, Department of Information Communication and Engineering, Hanbat National University, Daejoen, 34158, Republic of Korea
  • Choong Ho Lee Professor, Department of Information Communication and Engineering, Hanbat National University, Daejoen, 34158, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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