

Study on the Storage Virtualization Technology for Smart Work Service in Mobile Environment


Ssang-Hee Seo, Bong-Hyun Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background/Objectives: As the paradigm changes with technological advancement and information society, next-generation products that can access information anytime, anywhere through mobile Internet devices through Smart work are being released. In particular, in the coronavirus era, there is a lot of interest in the introduction of Smart work. Methods/Statistical analysis: Companies that only pursued work in the office tend to support a free and creative work environment that goes beyond temporal and spatial restrictions. In addition, we are hoping for collaboration, efficiency, and organizational innovation through smart work communication. The introduction of Smart work by companies can be expected to have a positive impact on companies. Findings: Therefore, in this paper, we intend to provide a safe Smart work service through research and application of storage virtualization technology. In other words, a Smart work service was designed by securing the technology for operating the latest operating system based on mobile virtualization technology and storage virtualization technology, which is the core of mobile security. Improvements/Applications: The storage virtualization-based mobile work service proposed in this paper can be used for mobile terminals and special security-enhanced terminals that require high security in mobile environments. In addition, it can be used for mobile financial services for safe payment/payment such as electronic payment and internet banking, and prevents corporate information leakage and illegal access by unauthorized users in work environments such as Smart work using mobile terminals.




  • Ssang-Hee Seo Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungnam University, Gyeongnam, CO 51767, Korea
  • Bong-Hyun Kim Department of Computer Engineering, Seowon University, Chungbuk, CO 51767, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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