

Interactive 3D Directory: University of La Salette




Background/Objectives: There is an impact of multimedia on engineering students. They use interactive multimedia to simulate scenarios in computer applications, electronics, and later implement and calibrate their designs in an actual environment. Architecture students use interactive multimedia for design presentations. Methods/Statistical analysis: This study focuses on the development of the Interactive 3D Directory for the University of La Salette. As Computer Engineers, we want to showcase our skills and knowledge to the locality and to help the end-users, i.e., visitors, new students, and transferees, to locate buildings and departments in this University. We used Unity3d, c# programming, and SketchUp to develop this project. This study used the survey method to acquire related data. Questionnaires were floated before and after the implementation of the system. Findings: The results found out that most of the time, new students, transferees, visitors ask directions and feel the need for a system that gives accurate directions. The results also found out that most of the respondents agree that the developed system was effective and easy to use. Improvements/Applications: Based on the study findings, the researchers suggest that the administration introduce the established program on all of the region's high school campuses to help visitors, transferees, and new students identify offices, facilities, and departments.


A. Research Design
B. Study Site and Participants
C. Research Techniques
D. Data Collection Procedure
A. Results of the Surveys


  • Dreivan B. Orprecio College of Engineering, University of La Salette, Santiago City, Isabela, 3311, Philippines
  • Harvie A. Bañares College of Engineering, University of La Salette, Santiago City, Isabela, 3311, Philippines
  • Lary Jay C. Guzman College of Engineering, University of La Salette, Santiago City, Isabela, 3311, Philippines
  • Jielie C. Conjusta College of Engineering, University of La Salette, Santiago City, Isabela, 3311, Philippines
  • Genesis S. Jose College of Engineering, University of La Salette, Santiago City, Isabela, 3311, Philippines


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