

Image to Text Conversion Technique for Anti-Plagiarism System



Background/Objectives: The IMAGE TO TEXT CONVERSION TECHNIQUE FOR ANTI-PLAGIARISM SYSTEM is a design project on how the Optical Character Recognition will be utilized in order to extract text from images that can be used to increase the accuracy rate of an anti-plagiarism checker. It also highlights the integration of Convolutional Neural Network and its effect in the result of the conversion. Methods/Statistical analysis: Optical Character Recognition is a technology that recognizes text within an image. It is commonly used to recognize text in scanned documents, but it serves many other purposes as well. While Convolutional Neural network is a category of neural networks that have been proven very effective in performing image recognition and classification. The main objective of the study is to design a software that will convert images of text into plain editable text. The study aims to use a specific algorithm to extract useful information from the images. Findings: It will integrate the two algorithm, convolutional neural network and optical character recognition technology in order to develop a software. The input of the software is a document in .docx format and will generate an output in the same format. Improvements/Applications: This software will be an aid to the existing anti-plagiarism checkers to generate a more thorough and better plagiarism


A. Digital Image Processing
B. Optical Character Recognition
C. Machine Learning
D. Neural Networks
E. Convolutional Neural Network
F. Python Programming Language
G. TensorFlow
H. Related Studies


  • Mark B. Batomalaque College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts, Batangas State University, 4225, Philippines
  • Chella May R. Camacho College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts, Batangas State University, 4225, Philippines
  • Maria Jewella P. Dalida College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts, Batangas State University, 4225, Philippines
  • Jen Aldwayne B. Delmo College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts, Batangas State University, 4225, Philippines


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