

Impact of Logistics Information Service on Customer Satisfaction : An Empirical Study with Assurance as the Moderator



Background/Objectives: Internetization at the communication and channel levels impels many companies to make efforts in building themselves as a trading platform, where a huge bulk of buyers and sellers can carry on transactions. Methods/Statistical analysis: In this paper, by summarizing the critical factors of logistics information system (LIS) quality, a theoretical model was established to resolve the factors that influence customer satisfaction. In this process, customer satisfaction theory (CS) is applied to be a moderator. And then based on the PLS structural equation model, an empirical study was conducted. Findings: The results presented that making full use of Internet of things technology to accelerate the process of reengineering and standardization while guaranteeing the information quality to make contribution to the improvement of customer satisfaction. At the meantime, the establishment of service quality evaluation system in the context of Internet of things can help logistics enterprises to improve the service quality, promote the enterprises’ competitiveness, and realize the collaboration management of enterprises’ services. Improvements/Applications: At the meantime, the establishment of service quality evaluation system in the context of Internet of things can help logistics enterprises to improve the service quality, promote the enterprises’ competitiveness, and realize the collaboration management of enterprises’ services.


A. Logistics Information System
B. Overview of Customer Satisfaction-related Theories
C. Measurement of Logistics Service Quality
A. Research Hypotheses
B. Research Methods
A. Descriptive statistics of samples
B. Reliability and validity of samples
C. Model Evaluation


  • Liu Chang Department of Economics and Management, Taishan University, Tai’an, CO 271000, CHINA
  • Jia YongFei Shandong Institute for Development Strategy of Science & Technology, Shandong Academy of Science of Ji’nan, CO 250014, CHINA
  • Kong Bei Department of Economics and Management, Taishan University, Tai’an, CO 271000, CHINA


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