

Too Many People and Things : Use of Vague Nouns by Korean EFL Writers


Choongil Yoon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Corpus studies have characterized L2 English argumentative essays with a prevalence of textual features more typical of spoken language. Vague nouns have been discussed as one of these spoken features particularly frequent in L2 writing. The present study examined the distribution and use of two most frequent vague nouns, people and thing(s), in a corpus of argumentative essays by Korean EFL university students and compared them with those from a corresponding corpus of native speakers(NSs). Results showed that the Korean EFL writers used the vague nouns more frequently and used them in ways that made their essays seem over-generalizing and unclear to a greater extent than the NSs. The paper concludes by offering some pedagogical suggestions to help EFL and novice academic writers to raise awareness of register differences and learn the lexis and grammar appropriate for academic registers.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Vague and General Nouns
2.2. Corpus Studies of Vague Nouns in L2 Writing
3. Methods
3.1. Corpora
3.2. Data Analysis
4. Results
4.1. People
4.2. Thing(s)
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion


  • Choongil Yoon Choongil Yoon/Dongguk University, Gyeongju Campus/Assistant Professor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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