

한국어 복합동사 구문의 사건 구조와 의미 합성 : ‘-어 놓다’와 ‘-어 두다’의 경우


The Composition of Event Structures and Meanings in Korean Complex Verb Construction, ‘V1-e V2{nohta/twuta}’ based on the GL.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper investigates the composition patterns of the event structures of the complex verb constructions, V1-e V2{nohta/twuta}, based on Pustejovsky’s(1995) Generative Lexicon, and the meanings of V2{nohta/twuta} in the constructions. The V1-e V2{nohta/twuta} constructions fall largely into five groups depending on whether the ‘ey’-marked Goal argument is introduced by V2, which is affected by whether the two verbs share the [+concrete, +mobility] object(Theme) argument: (i) ‘yele-nohta/twuta’ and ‘iphye-nohta/twuta’ are the typical auxiliary verb constructions in which V1 and V2 share only the subject, and the ‘ey’-marked Goal argument cannot be introduced by V2. In these constructions, ‘-e V2{nohta/twuta}’ means the ‘continuation of the resultative state’; (ii) the other three groups, i.e. ‘kele-nohta/twuta’, ‘kkenay-nohta/twuta’, and ‘mantule-nohta/twuta’ are the constructions in which V1 and V2 share not only the subject but the [+concrete, +mobility] object(Theme) argument as well, and ‘ey’-marked Goal argument is syntactically selected by V2. In such cases, V2{nohta/twuta} can be construed as having the aspectual or the lexical meaning, a ‘change of location’, according to the context.


1. 서론
2. Pustejovsky(1995)의 생성 어휘부 이론(Generative Lexicon Theory)
3. 본동사로서의 ‘놓다’와 ‘두다’ 의미와 의미 구조
4. ‘-어 놓다/두다’ 구문
4.1. ‘-어 놓다/두다’ 구문의 결합 양상 및 제약
4.2. 보조동사 ‘-어 놓다/두다’ 구문의 의미와 의미 구조
4.3. ‘-어 놓다/두다’ 구문의 합성 유형
5. 결론


  • 김효진 Hyojin Kim. 서울대학교/박사 졸업생


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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