

『朝鮮館譯語』 齒音分合考 - 第1段ㆍ第3段 漢字의 비교를 통하여


A Study on the Division and Combination of the Dental Sounds within the Chao Xian Guan Yi Yu(朝鮮館譯語).

『조선관역어』 치음분합고 - 제1단ㆍ제3단 한자의 비교를 통하여

이길경, 김서영, 안영실

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper carries out a comparative research analysis between the first section of Chao Xian Guan Yi Yu(朝鮮館譯語) which suggests the lexicon of the Chinese language and the third section which records the shēngmǔ(聲母:initial sounds) corresponding with Korean Chinese character sounds as Chinse characters. A diachronic analysis was also conducted regarding the changing relationship of division and combination where the shēngmǔ belonging to the dental sounds were in the process of changing from ancient Chinese to modern Chinese. At the same time, the changing aspects of the yùnwěi(韻 尾:coda consonants) were also taken into the study consideration. Through the research conducted within the scope of this paper, it was confirmed that the zhī mǔ(知母) and the chéng mǔ(澄母) belonging to the shéshàngyīn(舌上 音) group of the ancient Chinese sounds were reverted back to the orthodontic system(正齒音 章系). It was also possible to detect that the devoicing process(淸音化) of the takeum(濁音) in the shēngmǔ. As for the yùnwěi, it was possible to confirm the reverting phenomenon of the yángshēng yùnwěi(陽聲 韻尾) from the /m/ to /n/ through the contents found in Chao Xian Guan Yi.


1. 들어가는 말
2. 『朝鮮館譯語』 第1段漢字의 齒音分合關係
2.1 第1段漢字의 齒頭音
2.2 第1段漢字의 正齒音
3. 나오는 말


  • 이길경 LI, JIQIONG. 제주대학교 인문대학 국어국문학과 박사과정
  • 김서영 Kim, Seo-Yeong. 제주대학교 인문대학 중어중문학과 박사과정
  • 안영실 An, Ying-Shi.. 제주대학교 인문대학 중어중문학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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