


염모제 브랜드별 착색 데이터 비교 연구


Comparison of coloring data by hair dye brand


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study chose 24 hair dyes from 3 different brands as an experimental group and measured hair coloring results using a colorimeter. Data were then extracted from and analyzed through Korea Standard Color Analysis (KSCA) and color analysis software and the results found the following: ‘L’ company revealed a large difference between the color chart colors and the experimental result colors. Also, it was mostly higher than other companies in terms of lightness. Furthermore, it showed great red coloring in along with ‘A’ company. In terms of color development, orange revealed the greatest performance. In contrast, ‘W’ company was lowest in terms of the difference between the color chart colors and the experimental result colors. In fact, it showed weak red coloring. When hair was colored with medium-lightness dyes, the highest bleaching effects were observed with a great vividness of color. ‘A’ company revealed great coloring in warm colors. A8.55 showed the highest saturation among all types. It was higher in saturation but low in lightness compared to other companies. When the dyed colors were analyzed with the Munsell color system, red, yellow-red, and natural colors were mostly found in ‘L’ company while ‘W’ company primarily focused on yellow-red and yellow colors. In addition, bluish red and reddish violet were found. Furthermore, it revealed a medium-saturated color distribution and showed a great performance in developing a specific color.


本研究选定3家品牌公司的24个染发剂为实验组,用测色计测量对20-29岁女性头发样品进行的染发结果,并利用韩国标准色色 彩分析(KSCA)及色彩分析软件抽取资料并进行了分析。研究结果显示,L公司的实验结果颜色与染发色板的色差最大,而且相 比其他2家公司,明度也相对较高。另外,A公司和L公司红色(Red)系列的上色效果比较好,尤其橙色的着色效果最佳。在三家 公司中,W公司的实验结果颜色与染发色板的色差最小,红色系列的着色效果较弱,中明度以上的染发剂飘色效果最好,而且颜 色最为鲜明。A公司在红色系列呈现出较高的着色效果,而且A公司的8.55产品在所有类型中呈现出最佳色度。相比其他公司,A 公司总体上呈现出较高的色度和较低的明度。利用孟塞尔颜色系统对染发结果颜色进行分析的结果显示,L公司的染发剂主要为 Red、Yellow Red、Natural系列,W公司的产品多为Yellow Red、Yellow系列。在显色方面,W公司的红色系列带有蓝红色, 紫色系列(Violet)则呈现红紫色染发效果。总体的来说,颜色多为中色度颜色,具有提亮颜色及上色强的优点。在三家公司中,A 公司的染发剂颜色分布最广,多为高色度,色素含量高。经试验,三家企业都没有出现Blue Green、Blue、Green Yellow、 Green、Purple Blue、Purple系列的染发颜色。


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 염색
2. CIE 표색계와 KS 표색계
3. 선행연구
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 및 절차
1. 연구대상 및 실험재료
2. 연구문제
3. 자료 처리 및 분석
Ⅳ. 연구결과
1. 전문가 집단의 염색브랜드 사용빈도
2. 반사빛에 따른 연구 결과
3. 염색 착색 결과색과 먼셀 색 계열 분석
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 이영희 Young Hee Lee. 영산대학교 미용예술학 박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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