


성인남녀의 두피·모발상태와 생활습관, 식습관, 탈모 인식도에 따른 관리행동에 관한 연구


A Study on the Care Behavior according to the Scalp and Hair Condition, Lifestyle, Dietary Habits and Perception of Hair Loss in Adult Men and Women

김지현, 함미영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study attempted to investigate subjects’ general characteristics, self-diagnosis of scalp and hair conditions, perception of hair loss, dietary habit and lifestyle against 272 adult men and women living in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi-go from October 20 to December 20, 2020 and compare their scalp & hair loss care behavior, and the results found the followings: In terms of a percentage of using natural shampoo and hair loss-care shampoo, a group with a high perception of hair loss was higher than a group with a low perception of hair loss (p<.05). In terms of the experience of scalp & hair loss care, the group with a high perception of hair loss was greater than the group with a low perception of hair loss (p<.01). When asked about their greatest effort to prevent hair loss, the group with a high perception of hair loss answered ‘careful selection of scalp & hair care products’ and ‘taking nutrients’ while the group with a low perception of hair loss said ‘stress management’ and ‘regular sleep-wake pattern’ (p<.05). Concerning effective scalp & hair loss care, ‘professional care’, ‘preventive care’ and ‘treatment’ were high with statistical significance in the group with a low perception of hair loss while ‘unnecessary (16.0%)’ was mostly responded in the group with a low perception of hair loss (p<.001).


本研究旨在以20多岁至60多岁的成年男女为对象,了解不同性别和年龄段对头皮及毛发、脱发的自我诊断情况,比较由饮食 习惯、生活习惯、脱发认知度引发的管理行为差异,为头皮及毛发产业提供必要的资料。2020年10月20日至12月20日期间, 以居住在首尔、仁川以及京畿道的271名成年男女为研究对象,调查了他们的一般特性、对头皮及毛发状态的自我诊断情况、脱 发认知度、饮食习惯、生活习惯,并根据他们的认知水平,对头皮及毛发管理行为进行了比较。首先,把研究对象划分为脱发认 知水平高、饮食习惯和生活习惯良好的小组(高认知小组)和脱发认知水平低、饮食及生活习惯不佳的小组(低认知小组),对头皮 及毛发管理行为差异进行了调查。经调查发现,脱发认知度高的小组使用天然洗发露和防脱发洗发露的比例高于低认的小组。另 外,高认知小组的头皮及脱发管理经验多于低认知小组,而有过头皮及脱发管理经验的高认知小组多在脱发管理中心接受管理服 务,低认知小组则利用美容院的比例更高。为防止脱发,高认知小组最注重的是产品选用和营养剂的服用,而低认知小组则更多 关注减少压力和有规律的睡眠。在有效的头皮及防脱发管理行为方面,脱发认知高的小组更注重专业性管理和预防管理以及治疗 等,但脱发认知低的小组则认为管理收效甚微,因此不做脱发管理的比例高。


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성
2. 연구목적
Ⅱ. 연구방법
1. 연구설계
2. 연구대상 및 자료수집
3. 연구도구
4. 자료분석방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성
2. 연구대상자들의 두피·모발에 관한 자가진단 상태
3. 연구대상자들의 탈모인식도
4. 연구대상자들의 식습관
5. 연구대상자들의 생활습관
6. 연구대상자들의 성별과 연령별 두피·모발 자가진단, 탈모인식도, 식습관과 생활습관 비교
7. 연구대상자들의 인식도 수준에 따른 두피·모발 관리행동 비교
8. 연구대상자들의 인식도 수준에 따른 두피·모발 관리행동 비교
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김지현 Ji Hyun Kim. 성신여자대학교 평생교육원 시간강사
  • 함미영 Mi Young Ham. 인천재능대학교 뷰티아트과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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