




Ainu in Multicultural symbiosis society


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



On April 19 2019, the Japanese National Assembly enacted the ‘The Act Promoting Measures to Achieve a Society in which the Pride of Ainu People is Respected’. Under this decree, which began to be enforced on May 24 of the same year, the Japanese government officially recognized the Ainu people as ‘Hokkaido indigenous peoples’ for the first time. It was a significant turning point in which the Ainu people’s efforts to regain their identity and rights as ‘Hokkaido indigenous peoples’ while fighting against social discrimination paid off. In this paper, I considered the point of how Ainu people should be treated justly in a multicultural society as a Japanese citizen by analyzing the process until the Ainu people were officially recognized as indigenous peoples of Hokkaido. Considering the relationship between the Ainu people and the Japanese government in the past, it can be seen that conflicts have been repeated over the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In order to realize a truly multicultural symbiotic society, fair agreement and implementation of the rights of the natives must be preceded. Then, with the new Ainu-related law in 2019, it is necessary to realize meaningful changes suitable for multicultural society in education about Hokkaido history and the Ainu as Hokkaido indigenous peoples.


1. はじめに
2. アイヌ民族のアイデンティティ
3. 日本政府の対アイヌ政策
4. 先住権関連訴訟


  • 金英珠 김영주. 韓国外国語大学 日本語大学 講師, 日本文学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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