

Improvements of Chemicals Safety Management by the Notification System for the Public in South Korea


Byung Tae Yoo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The South Korean government has endeavored for public safety against chemical accidents in the chemical industry. This study addresses the systematic changes in chemical safety management and a new notification system for right-to-know for the public after the hydrogen fluoride leakage accident in Gu-mi City, where 5 workers were killed and 18 were injured. Especially, the company, handling a certain amount or more of accident preparedness substances that are prone to fire and explosion, very responsive, or have high acute toxicity, shall submit a risk management plan report to the government to prevent chemical accidents. In this paper, it analyzed the huge changes in the hazardous substances safety management system and the chemical accident management laws of a national level, and the ordinance of local governments. 2,841 resident notices have been registered online system. but it was too passive system. so, this study proposed more effective methods for the this system; ① the role of business owners ② the role of government ③ Evaluation and reflux of system.


Korea Chemical Industry and Chemical Accidents
Chemical Substances Safety Management
Central Government
Local Government
Resident Notification System
NICS Notification System
Discussion and Conclusion


  • Byung Tae Yoo Department of Safety Engineering, Korea National University of Transportation, 50 Daehak-ro, Chungju, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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