

‘산시산수시수(山是山水是水)’에 대한 출전과 의미 고찰


A Study on the Meaning and Source of “Mountain is mountain, water is water(山是山水是水)”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In January 1981, when Ven. Seongcheol(1912-1993) was elected to the sixth Jongjeong(宗正) or Supreme patriarch of the Korean Buddhist Jogye Order, there was a Seon terms(禪語) called ‘Mountain is mountain, water is water(山是山水是水)’ appeared in his inaugural Dharma-words. This Seon terms received great attention from the world afterwards. However, although there was a lot of interest in this term, there were not many people who clearly knew what text it was in and what it really meant. As it is a term that has been talked about for a long time, there have been various kinds of interpretations afterwards, but there are few data that have been cleared up in a right way, but still only raise questions among many people. The earliest Chan text this term included was the Wanlinglu(Records of Wanling, 宛陵錄) by Huangbo Xiyun(黃檗希運 ?~850 An eminent Chinese Chan master). In Song dynasty, this term was mentioned in the verse song of Yefu Daochuan(冶父道川, 1127~?) of the Comments of Five Masters on the Diamond Sutra(金剛經五家解). It also appears in the Yunmen guanglu(雲門廣錄) of Chan master Yunmen Wenyan(雲門文偃, 864~949). In addition to the above-mentioned, ‘Mountain is mountain, water is water’ is the Dharma-words representing the typical Chan(Seon) terms in the Buddhist text, Chan master Qingyuan Weihsin’s(靑原唯信) Dharma talk to monks in the lecture hall in Song dynasty is famous one. In Korea, in the Discourse records of Jingakguksa(National Preceptor Jingak, Hyesim眞覺國師 慧諶, 1178~1234) and Guzzamubulseonghwa ganbyungron(狗子無佛性話揀病論, The treatise on the possession of the buddha-nature by a dog), there is a saying “Mountain is mountain, water is water”. This Chan words is also included in Master Baeg-un hwasang eorok(白雲和尙語錄, The teaching record of the influential late Goryeo Seon monk) written by Master Baeg-un Gyeonghan(白雲景閑, 1298~1374). Then, in recent years, it has become more widely known as it is mentioned in the inaugural Dharma-words of Supreme patriarch Ven. Seongcheol. The meaning of this “Mountain is mountain, water is water” is the true aspect of thusness [Dharma body, 法身: The essential characteristic or mark(lakṣaṇa) of thusness i.e. reality.]. So it suggests us that don’t artificially discriminate your thinking. In this paper, I would like to find out the sources that mentioned “Mountain is mountain, water is water(山是山水是水)” through organizing the source by periods, and grasping the meaning of them. In the end, I pointed out the parts that are thought to be misrepresented up to the present .


1981년 1월 퇴옹성철(1912~1993)이 대한불교 조계종 제6대 종정(宗正)에 추대되면서 내린 취임 법어에 ‘산은 산이고 물은 물이다[山是山水是水]’라는 선어(禪語)가 있다. 이 말은 이후 세상 사람들의 큰 주목을 받게 된다. 그래서 이 선어에 관한 관심은 높아졌지만 정작 어느 전적에 수록되어 있으며, 어떤 의미인지 명확하게 아는 사람은 많지 않았다. 오랫동안 회자되어 온 용어인 만큼 세인들의 여러 해석이 있었지만, 여전히 궁금증만 자아낼 뿐 일목요연하게 그 의미가 정리된 자료는 거의 없다. 이 용어가 시기적으로 가장 먼저 수록된 선적은 당대 황벽희운(黃檗希運, ?∼850)의 『완릉록(宛陵錄)』이다. 송대에는 『금강경오가해(金剛經五家解)』 가운데 야부도천(冶父道川, 1127∼?)의 송(頌)에 이 용어가 언급되고 있다. 그리고 운문문언(雲門文偃, 864∼949)의 『운문광록(雲門廣錄)』 등에도 나타나고 있다. 이 외에 ‘산시산수시수’란 선어의 전형(典型)을 보여주는 법어로는 송대 청원유신(靑原惟信)의 상당법어가 유명하다. 한국에서는 고려 말 진각혜심(眞覺慧諶, 1178∼1234)의 『진각국사어록(眞覺國師語錄)』과 『구자무불성화간병론(狗子無佛性話揀病論)』에 ‘산시산수시수’란 말이 있다. 같은 고려 말 백운경한(白雲景閑, 1298∼1374)의 『백운화상어록(白雲和尙語錄)』에도 수록되어 있다. 그리고 근래에는 퇴옹성철의 종정 취임법어에 언급되면서 더욱 세상에 널리 알려지게 되었다. 이 ‘산시산수시수’의 의미는 존재하는 모습 그대로 진여실상[법신]이니 인위적으로 사량 분별하지 말라는 말이다. 본 논문에서는 ‘산시산수시수’가 언급된 출전을 찾아 시대별로 정리하고, 그 의미를 파악하여 논하고, 잘못 전해지고 있다고 생각되는 부분을 지적해 보고자 한다.


국문 초록
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. ‘산시산수시수(山是山水是水)’에 대한 중국의 출전과 의미
1. 당대의 ‘산시산수시수’에 대한 출전과 의미
2. 송대의 ‘산시산수시수’에 대한 출전과 의미 고찰
Ⅲ. ‘산시산수시수(山是山水是水)’에 대한 한국의 출전과 의미의 전개
1. 고려시대의 ‘산시산수시수’에 대한 출전과 의미
2. 근대의 ‘산시산수시수’에 대한 출전과 의미
Ⅳ. 결론


  • 지은스님(김경숙) Kim, Kyung-Sook(Ven. Ji-Eun). 중앙승가대학교 불교학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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