

지상에 설치되는 어레이 배치형 태양광 패널의 위치별 풍력계수분포 특성


Wind coefficient distribution by location of array-placed Photovoltaic panel installed on the ground

유장열, 방원, 유기표

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Solar panels installed on the ground receive wind load. A wind experiment was conducted to evaluate the wind force coefficient acting on a single solar panel and on solar panels arranged in an array. Surface roughness did not have a significant effect on the change in vertical force, which is the wind force coefficient acting on the vertical surface of the single solar panel. An examination of the change in wind direction angle showed that the largest vertical force coefficient was distributed in the 0° forward wind direction based on the front of the solar panel, the 345° reverse wind direction based on the rear side, and the 135° and 225° diagonal directions based on the rear panel. Furthermore, an examination of the change in wind force coefficient according to the change in solar panel inclination angle (β) showed that the drag coefficient was the highest at the 40° inclination angle of the panel (β), followed by the 30° and 20° inclination angles. However, the lift coefficient and vertical force coefficient were not significantly affected by the inclination angle of the panel. The wind force coefficient of the panels arranged in an array was influenced by the wind direction angle and the panel position. With the exclusion of the nearest row a at the wind direction angle of 0°, all the panels in the array showed lower coefficients than that of the single panel experiment. In the case of the panels placed inside, the wind speed was decreased by the surrounding panels, and as a result, the wind force coefficient was lower than that of the single panel experiment. This outcome is attributed to the small delamination at the end of the panels by the surrounding array of panels compared to that of the single panel experiment.


1. 서론
2. 실험개요
2.1 실험모형
2.2. 풍동실험
3. 실험결과
3.1 풍력계수
3.2 CASE1 (단독실험)
3.3 CASE2 (어레이실험)
4. 결론


  • 유장열 You, Jang-Yeol. 송원대학교 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사
  • 방원 Bang, Won. 전북대학교 건축공학과 연구원, 공학석사
  • 유기표 You, Ki-Pyo. 전북대학교 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사, 장경간철골구조 농촌시설물연구센터


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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