

국내 박물관 번역 연구 활성화를 위한 해외 연구 고찰 및 시론적(試論的) 논의


A preliminary overview of museum translation research overseas and its applicability in Korea.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Korea, despite the comparatively rich provision of translations in museums, museum translation has been under-researched in Translation Studies. The reason can be attributed to the limited perceptions of museum and museum translation here. According to the definition of the International Council of Museums, the term “museum” encompasses diverse institutions such as archeological, ethnographic, historic and natural monuments and sites, botanical and zoological gardens, as well as science centers. In contrast, a narrower definition is generally used here, strictly referring to museums as the repository of artifacts. Also, museum translation tends to be associated only with textual factors or translated materials in museums. Hence, this study reviews related studies overseas, adopting broader concepts of and diverse perspectives on museum translation. Then, with a view to invigorating related research here, this paper explores ways to apply those various approaches to museum translation research in the Korean context. To sum up, it suggests that interdisciplinary perspectives should be applied in research on museum translation here, drawing upon concepts and theoretical frameworks from other disciplines. It is also suggested that museum translation research should examine, to cite Sturge’s (2007) terms, not only “translations in the museum” but also “museums as translations.”


I. 머리말
II. ‘박물관’과 ‘박물관 번역’
1. ‘museum’과 ‘박물관’
2. ‘박물관 번역’ - 번역으로서의 박물관 vs. 박물관 내 번역물
III. 박물관 번역에 대한 최근 해외 메타 연구
1. 네더(2018): 박물관과 문화 표상
2. 랴오(2018a): 번역과 창조산업으로서의 박물관
IV. 국내 연구 활성화를 위한 해외 연구의 시론적 적용
1. 언어사회학적 차원 - 언어경관
2. 기호학적 차원 - 장소기호학
3. 다학제적 협업 및 산학 협력 차원
4. 분석 대상 확대 차원 – 오디오 가이드 번역
V. 나가는 말


  • 박현주 Park, Hyunju.. 이화여대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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