

Exploring Mobility-Based O2O Business Success : A Cross-Country Study on Ride Hailing and Car Sharing Services



Cross-country studies on the success of e-commerce services have revealed that IT infrastructure, physical infrastructure, economic factors, and sociopolitical factors have profound effects on e-commerce success. This study dug into specifically mobility-based O2O services such as ride-hailing and car-sharing services across 64 countries. More specifically, we examine two different categories of influencing factors: mobile technologies and transit environments which could have significant effects on mobility-based O2O business success. The result of our study indicates that a car rental service is complementary but public transportation substitutes for both ride-hailing and car-sharing services. Moreover, we could find that the factors affecting a country’s mobility-based O2O business success vary across different service types, such as ride-hailing and car-sharing services. This study is one of the first cross country studies that brings traditional influencing factors on e-commerce to bear mobility-based O2O business performance.




  • Jaewon Seol 설재원. 경영대학 석사과정, 고려대학교
  • Dongwon Lee 이동원. 경영대학 교수, 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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