

Impact of Digital Strategic Orientation on Organization Performance through Digital Transformation Capability



This study explores the digital transformation capability at the organizational level and conceptual the construct of the dimensions of digital transformation capability according to the dynamic capability theory. The digital transformation capability contains three hub-factors: sensing, organizing and restructuring. In addition, this research empirically analyzes the positive impact of digital strategic orientation on organization performance through digital transformation capability. First, we developed the measurement items of digital transformation capability, based on real cases of digital transformation. Then we collected data from the companies that are randomly located in different areas and cities in China. This survey covered different industries such as electronics, automobile, machine and equipment. Second, we collected 98 questionnaires and analyzed the data using smart PLS 3. This study has important academic significance for the theoretical development of digital transformation capability. Based on the dynamic capability theory, we used to define digital transformation capability as comprising a set of sensing, organizing and restructuring that iteratively reconfigured organizational resources in order to respond to changes in the digital environment.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
2.1 Digital strategic orientation
2.2. Dynamic capability theory and digital transformation capability
Ⅲ. Research Model and Hypotheses
3.1 Research Model
3.2 Research Hypotheses
Ⅳ. Research Design
4.1. Measurement Model
4.2. Sampling and Data collection
Ⅴ. Data Analysis
5.1. Test of the measurement model
5.2. Test of the structural model
5.3. Test of the digital transformation capability mediating effects
Ⅵ. Discussion and Conclusion
6.1. Implications
6.2. Limitations and future research


  • Yu, Jiatong PhD Student, Cooperative Dept. of Techno-Management, Dongguk University
  • Moon, Taesoo Professor, School of Management, Dongguk University


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