



A Study on the Dialectical Implications of Xi Jinping’Foreign Policy Ideology in New Era



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The today’world is a world of inter-statesystem and international order depth adjustment, a profound change in international power shift, and a world of changes in the direction of peace and development.Based on dialectical logic perspective, the author analyzes the meaning of the Xi-jinping’s foreign policy concept.China’s foreign policy framework is based on the basic layout of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, gradually forming a foreign policy pattern.The development line of China’s foreign relations is divided into several different directions, and a development of dialectical.On the basis of Mao Zedong Thought, in the period of Deng Xiaoping’s era of peaceful development, the principle of establishing a One center and Two basic points principles in the development period of Deng Xiaoping’s peace and stability, the line of partnership relationships, the principles of amity、sincerity、mutual benefit and inclusiveness was put forward. This paper says that the foreign cognitive method of China’s policy decision is how the world system is formed, considering the contemporary era of the present era.Such dialectical materialism has done the external cognitive system of its own accord, and has redetermined the external relations of the Chinese character, the time, the international political structure and the pattern of the new international order.The new era of Xi Jinping’s foreign policy ideology is not only a accepting of former leader’s foreign policy thought, but also a succeeding to the main words of the former leader’s main words.The core language of the Chinese nation is the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, including the Chinese dream, fate Community, New Great Power relations, the B&R initiatives, the outlook of the Asian security concept, idea of moral and profit, the principles of amity、sincerity、mutual benefit and inclusiveness.The relationship between Korea and China should be based on historical and cultural similarities and differences, and constantly expand the intersection of exchanges and strategic interests.


当今世界是一个国家之间体系和国际秩序深度调整的世界, 是一个国际力量 对比深刻变化并朝着有利于和平与发展方向变化的世界。本文是基于辩证逻辑 角度来分析国际环境巨变状态下习近平的外交思想和理念的含义和对韩中关系 的启示。按照该理念表现为坚持和平发展道路与捍卫国家核心利益的辩证统一 的过程。中国经济崛起而带来了21世纪的中美共治时代。中国外交政策框架在 和平共处五项原则基础之上基本布局, 逐渐形成全方位的外交格局。中国对外 关系的发展主线分为几个不同的方向, 可升级为辩证之路的发展。其对外政策 路线是在毛泽东时代形成社会主义一边倒路线和独立自主的不结盟阶段, 在邓 小平时代和平发展的阶段、提出立足亚太而稳定周边的原则下重视制定一个中 心和两个基本点的基本路线, 在江泽民时代坚持韬光养晦和有所作为原则下提 出睦邻友好为主实践区域合作的伙伴外交路线, 胡锦涛时代提出伙伴关系原则 下与邻为善、以邻为伴的外交政策方针, 在习近平时代在周边外交工作亲诚惠 容基础下强调命运共同体的外交理念。 本文认为中国政策决策者的对外认识方法是世界体系是如何形成的,考虑到当 代的时代性,设定了当代国际政治体系结构,考虑了据国家力量相应的格局。这 样的辩证唯物的看法完成了作用于自身的对外认识体系, 根据世界体系的差序 型、时代性、国际政治经济结构及格局, 重新奠定了中国特色的对外关系, 建 立新的国际秩序。新时代习近平外交理念不仅离不开上一届领导班子的外交思 想, 而且继承了上一届领导班子们的主要话语。这话语表现为独立自主、和平外交、不结盟、合作伙伴、和谐亚洲到亲诚容惠的外交理念, 重新融合了辩证 唯物主义和历史唯物主义视角上深化和发展了和平发展对外理念,并赋予之新的 对外政策的内涵与外延。期中习近平外交理念的核心话语是中华民族伟大复兴 之路, 包括中国梦、命运共同体、新型大国关系、一带一路倡议、亚洲安全 观、义利观和亲诚惠容理念等。韩中关系就要基于历史和文化的共同点, 以 “求同存异”和 “与时俱进”的原则, 不断扩大各国之间交流和战略利益的交集 点。换言之, 韩中两国以民心相通为基础, 互相认可生活与文化方面的共同之 处, 努力构建 “生活文化命运共同体”, 以此走上相互合作与共生之路。


Ⅰ. 导言
Ⅱ. 习近平外交理念的形成背景
Ⅲ. 习近平外交理念的认识方法
Ⅳ. 习近平外交理念的实现难题
Ⅴ. 结论


  • 李相万 이상만. 庆南大学极东问题研究所 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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