

韩半岛安全困境的化解 -命运共同体与公共产品的互补作用-


A resolution to the security dilemma on the Korean Peninsula -The complementary effect of Community of common destiny and public goods-

한반도안전곤경적화해 -명운공동체여공공산품적호보작용-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article analyzes security dilemma on the Korean Peninsula and the prospect of the relationship between China and the Korean Peninsula from the perspective of the complementary effect of Community of common destiny and public goods and how China could provide the world with international public goods. Nowadays, the power structure on the Korean Peninsula has undergone serious changes and this creates great instability on regional security order. This instability mainly results from the reality that China and the United States can not meet demands of regional public goods. However, compared with the deterioration of the geopolitical environment on the Korean Peninsula, the positive role of geo-economy is also deepening. Geo economy can defuse geopolitical pressure and propose the solution to the security dilemma by exploring the road of cooperation and win-win situation. The core point of this blue print is that we should look for the way of thinking to realize two track parallel under the principle of separation of economy and politics. If China want to strive for the global leadership, she should set up stable alliance system. For that, China needs to make the surrounding countries feel China’s tolerant foreign relations in terms of security and economic benefits.


本文从天下体系与命运共同体的互补作用以及中国如何提供国际公共产品的 视角出发, 分析了韩半岛的安全困境以及中国和韩半岛关系的前景。如今, 韩 半岛的权力结构发生了深刻的变化, 这使得地区安全秩序产生了极大的不稳定 性。此不稳定性的根本原因在于, 中美在地区公共产品的供给方面碰到 “供给 脱节”的问题, 也出现了 “供给乏力”现象。 但与韩半岛的地缘政治环境恶化相比, 地缘经济的正面作用也日益加深。地 缘经济可化解地缘政治的压力, 通过摸索合作共赢之路, 可以提出安全困境的 化解方案。该方案的宗旨是, 在政经分离原则上, 为了解决韩半岛问题寻找 “双 轮驱动”的思路。如中国拟争取全球领导权, 就必须构建非常稳定的同盟体系。 为此, 在安全保障和经济收益方面, 中国需要使得周边国家感受到中国对外关系 的宽容性。


Ⅰ. 序言
Ⅱ. 霸权稳定: 从区域公共产品提升到国际公共产品
Ⅲ. 命运共同体与 “天下世界”的 构想
Ⅳ. 建立 ‘新东亚秩序’与韩半岛和平机制
Ⅴ. 结论: 韩半岛问题的化解方案


  • 李相万 이상만. 庆南大学激动问题研究所 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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