Tourism Industry and Regional Economic Development in China -Cointegration Analysis and Panel Regression Analysis-
This paper analyzes the tourism industry’s impact to the regional economic development in China. This report used cointegration analysis and established the panel data base. It include 31 regions, from 2003 to 2013. The results show that domestic tourism income, international tourism foreign exchange earnings and economic growth presence of co-integration relationship. And the China Eastern and Western regions empirical result that two independent variables to the regional economic development have positive strong statistical significance, description eastern and western regions of the tourism industry to the economic development has an important influence. And the Middle region’s domestic tourism income variable has statistical significance, but international tourism foreign exchange earnings variable not have statistical significance. Northeast region two independent variables to the regional economic development not have statistical significance, and the regression coefficient is negative.
旅游业的发展在一定程度上确实促进了经济的发展, 但是究竟是旅游业的发 展带动了经济增长, 还是经济增长导致了居民旅游消费支出的增加, 从而促进 了旅游业的发展, 又或者二者本来就是一种相互促进的关系, 这些都需要实际 的数据加上定量的方法加以论证, 从而理清这两者间的相互关系。因此, 本文 选取各地区2000年到2013年的旅游收入与经济增长的数据, 用协整分析和面板 数据分析对旅游业与经济增长之间的关系进行实证分析, 分析结果表明国内旅 游收入、国际旅游外汇收入和经济增长之间存在协整关系, 东部地区和西部地 区的国内旅游收入和国际旅游外汇收入都在1%显著性水平下通过t检验, 具有较 强的统计显著性, 说明东西部地区的旅游产业对经济发展有着重要的影响。中 部地区的国内旅游收入具有统计显著性, 但是国际旅游外汇收入没有统计显著 性。而东北部地区国内旅游收入和国际旅游外汇收入都不具有统计显著性, 且 回归系数为负值。
Ⅱ. 文献回顾
Ⅲ. 中国旅游业的发展现状
Ⅳ. 实证分析
Ⅴ. 结论