Tourism Industry Efficiency Analysis in China: Regional Approach
This report analyzes the efficiency of tourism industry of 31 provinces in China, using DEA Window Analysis and DEA-Mamlquist index, period from 2003 to 2013. According to the quantitative analysis, found that 1) the total factor productivity of Chinese tourism industry regions are: east, northeast, west and central part. As for other regions, the economic development in east region is relatively high, the infrastructure conduction is relatively completed, and the environment for the development of tourism industry is relatively good. 2) from 2003 to 2007, there are big differences between the input and output in tourism industry in each region, which due to the unbalance of the development of macroeconomic in China. And the process of the production in most of the region’s tourism industry still needs a lot of infrastructure construction, the whole tourism development actually still in the stage of high input- low output, so the tourism industry in many cities is inefficient. 3) from the efficiency analysis since 2009 to 2013, which showed that the efficiency of Chinese tourism industry remains a growing situation, during this period, the infrastructure conduction in each regions almost already improved, so in the this stage is low input- high output.
本文使用DEA-Mamlquist指数和DEA视窗分析对中国31个省市自治区 2003-2013年的旅游业效率进行分析。通过定量分析发现中国旅游业相对效率高 低的区域为东部地区、东北部地区、西部地区和中部地区。相对于其他区域而 言, 东部地区的区域经济发展水平较高, 基础设施也相对完善, 对于旅游业的发 展环境也相对良好, 而其他地区仅仅依靠资源禀赋难以实现旅游业的长期有效 的发展。从不同时期来看, 2003-2007年由于中国区域整体经济发展不平衡, 每个 区域对于旅游业的投入和产出都存在较大差别, 旅游开发整体上处于“高投入、 低产出”的阶段, 所以很多省市的旅游业效率低下。而2009-2013年的效率分析看 出中国旅游业的效率整体是处于上升阶段, 大多数区域的旅游业发展处于收益 递增阶段, 这段期间大多数省市的旅游业的效率水平都比较高。
Ⅱ. 文献回顾
Ⅲ. 分析方法
Ⅳ. 分析结果
Ⅴ. 结论