

Accent Assignment Patterns of English Loanwords in North Kyungsang Korean


Hwang, Young

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Several studies have investigated tone assignment patterns of North Kyungsang (NK) English loanwords, but most of them rely upon small data sets to support their generalizations and focus only on small pieces of the larger puzzle. This study aims to address the unresolved aspects of the accent assignment patterns of NK English loanwords and provide an integrated analysis of the loanword tone patterns. In order to examine which tone patterns are closely related to which word structures, this study collected 3,384 English loanwords and classified them into syllable numbers, tone patterns, and syllable structures to examine their relationship. The representative tone pattern of each word was chosen by native intuitions of six native speakers of NK Korean. Then, the underlying foot structures were analyzed to gain a better understanding of the relation between the tone patterns and syllabic structures. This study asserts that NK Korean does not have a strict bimoraic trochaic system and that the bimoraic trochee could be violated when interacting with other constraints. This study also claims that the context-dependent coda moraicity applies to words with three or four syllables when they receive double high accent.


I. Introduction
II. Previous Literature
III. Research Methods
3.1. Database
3.2. Production task
3.3. Annotation task
3.4. Classification
IV. Results and Discussion
4.1. Bisyllabic English loanwords
4.2. Trisyllabic English loanwords
4.3. Quadrisyllabic English loanwords
V. Summary and Conclusion
Works Cited


  • Hwang, Young Jeonju University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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