The purpose of this study is to examine the diversity of perceptions about repatriation from the perspective of a local community by examining the specific situation of the Korean diaspora's repatriation and the impact of their repatriation on Busan during the post-liberation period. During the post-liberation period unique perception on repatriation and repatriates was formed in Busan, a gateway of repatriation. Since August 1945, more than 2 million Korean diaspora had repatriated to Busan from Japan, mainland China, and Taiwan in a short period of time. From the perspective of the local community of Busan, this meant a large influx of population, and various social problems derived from this movement had an effect on the gaze on repatriation and repatriates. Representative social problems arising from the influx of repatriates were housing shortages, unemployment and infectious disease. In local community of Busan, as confronting and responding to these problems, a ambivalent awareness of the repatriated Korean diaspora was created. Regarding the shortage of housing and unemployment, sympathy turned to the repatriates, although repatriation brought social confusion. However, in the face of the spread of the infectious disease, negative perceptions, in particular anxiety and fear, became more intense, and interestingly, it was prominent toward repatriates from a specific region. Like this when analyzed at the local level, the repatriation of the Korean diaspora was not a legitimate issue as a national task, and gazes on it showed complex aspects due to various social factors.
Ⅱ. 선행연구 검토
Ⅲ. 부산을 통한 한인 디아스포라의 귀환 상황
제1장. 비공식적 귀환 시기
제2장. 공식적 귀환 시기
Ⅳ. 귀환의 ‘창구’, 부산 그리고 디아스포라
제1장. 주택 및 실업문제
제2장. 전염병문제
Ⅴ. 나가며